The right chemistry creates trusting cooperation
We design the support for the process of business and company succession coaching individually for each client.
Whether succession coaching is carried out with one coach or several coaches experienced in working together depends on the needs and wishes of the client.
The most important criterion for success is that the chemistry between coach and client is right. Only then is a trusting and successful cooperation possible.
Integrally shaping company succession
Changes in leadership, especially in owner-managed companies, are a great challenge for all involved. Making room for a successor (junior) and handing over a company that has been built up over many years is a profound step in life. Living up to the expectations of the predecessor (senior) in the tightly interwoven family business context is an existential challenge. In many cases, the succession situation arises unexpectedly. Failure to settle the succession, or settling it in a sham way, can jeopardise the future of the company.
Involving a coach at an early stage can not only prevent potential conflicts, but also constructively incorporate emotions into the succession regulation.
The entrepreneurial family must be able to adjust to the changed phase of life and business. We assume that senior and junior know the best succession solution themselves and help them to find out what they really want and how they can achieve it..

Typical questions of company succession, which we will be happy to help you solve:
For the senior
- How quickly should I withdraw from responsibility for the company?
- What support does my successor need from me and what does he have to manage alone?
- How do I deal with the concern of the possible failure of my successor?
- How do I create the necessary distance from the company after the change?
- What will fill my life after the change?
- What will change for my partnership?
For the Junior
- What questions should I clarify with my predecessor before the change?
- How do I deal with his legacy?
- What professional experience should I gain before the handover?
- What do I do with the senior’s scepticism about my abilities?
- How do I make a successful start?
- How do I develop a new leadership culture that suits me?
- Which changes do I have to introduce and which dynamics are promising?
- What financial basis and freedom do I need to secure the future of the company?