A strong ASSOCIATED TEAM for a holistic spectrum of innovative consulting services
Pelzer AP sees itself as a platform for combining a wide range of professional consulting competencies. The independence of the partners ensures professional quality and long-term continuity in product development and research.
The different market approaches of the partners involved makes it possible to provide the benefits of our services from different perspectives. Pelzer AP has the competence to harmoniously combine the different focal points of the partners involved for a holistic consulting service.
We see many years of professional experience and management responsibility as prerequisites for our commitment as consultants. Each of the partners has experience in managing multi-year change processes. Our different areas of expertise complement each other optimally for differentiated project requirements.
Our Pelzer Associated Partners work for your business success:

Nadja Obenaus
Associated Partner
Systemic Coach &
IT-Consultant for Organisations and Teams
Agile Coach / Scrum Master

Nadja Obenaus
Associated Partner
- Phone:+49 (0)40 8660 45-0
- Email:info@pelzer-ap.de

Stefan Wöhl
Associated Partner
Psychologist, Executive ILC Coach, Senior Consultant, Power Team Development

Stefan Wöhl
Associated Partner
- Phone:+49 (0)40 8660 45-0
- Email:Stefan.Woehl@pelzerap.de

Beate Ritzler
Associated Partner
Executive Coach, Senior Organisational Consultant, Integral Change Supervision, Large Groups

Beate Ritzler
Associated Partner
- Phone:+49 (0)40 8660 45-0
- Email:info@pelzer-ap.de

Antje Müller
Associated Partner
"Education not only lays the foundation for a self-determined life for each individual, it also sets the course for the future of our society
- Phone:+49 (0)40 8660 45-45
- Email:info@pelzerap.de

Lisa H. Pelzer
Junior Partner
Master's degree in International Business, Research, Innovation and Technology Management

Lisa H. Pelzer
Junior Partner
Main areas of work and topics
Open Innovation
Integration of technology / data
Strategic alliances and research cooperation
Acquisition of companies / integration of assets
Innovation funding and EU programmes
- Phone:+49 (0)40 8660 45-0
- Email:info@pelzer-ap.de

Antares Reisky
Associated Partnerin
Lecturer, executive coach, digital transformation, innovation processes, change management

Antares Reisky
Associated Partnerin
Systems Thinking
Theory U
Innovation processes
Change Management
Business development
Digital Transformation
Digital Education
New ways of working
Future Thinking
Seminars and workshops in facilitation, strategy development, Theory U, visualisation, social media, internet technologies, eBusiness, project management, eLearning, knowledge management, innovation management
University of Bielefeld, TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, IHK Bielefeld
Seminare und Workshops im Bereich Facilitation, Strategieentwicklung, Theory U, Visualisierung, Social Media, Internet-Technologien, eBusiness, Projektmanagement, eLearning, Wissensmanagement, Innovationsmanagement
Uni Bielefeld, TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, IHK Bielefeld
- Phone:+49 (0)40 8660 45-0
- Email:info@pelzer-ap.de