Why do cultural work at all?
Cultural Work with the Comteam Culture Profile Indicator® And Culturizer®:
We use holistic proven methods, because – no strategy can be successful long-term if it is not supported by the corporate culture.
With the Comteam Culture Profile Indicator®
we examine your company-specific approach
in the following ten cultural fields:
- Leadership
- Power and hierarchy
- Appreciation and criticism
- Achievement and success
- Change and projects
- Structures / processes and liability
- Cohesion and solidarity
- Employees
- Resources and time
- Conflicts

The four cultural styles of the Culture Profile Indicator®
The corporate culture is determined by the way we deal with tasks and people: The fulfillment of tasks can be standardized or left to each individual. The relevant rank differences of each of us play an important role. The expression of the cultural styles along the axes describes the cultural profile of a company.
Idea Culture

Project Culture

Family Culture

Strategy Culture

Images: © Comteam AG
The 4 steps to culture analysis:
1. Determine and visualize existing culture
· Select statements from 24 card quartets
· Assign selection to the cultural field / orientation?
· Visualize the actual culture profile with blue string
2. Discuss the effects of the existing profile
· Which strengths and boundaries does the culture have?
· In which areas is this perceivable?
3. Deriving the target culture
· Intuitively set target culture with yellow string
· Rate existing cards (+/-)
· Add new card statements to strengthen the desired cultural fields
4. Deriving measures and initiatives
· How to strengthen / promote the target culture?
· Keep an eye on both dimensions! (Company & culture)

Each culture profile has its strengths and limits in terms of the tasks and goals of the company. Through the visualization, all participants get an idea of the target culture, which will be more successful than the existing culture.
Blue existing culture and yellow target culture overlap in a “green area” where nothing has to be changed. In the blue culture field, we have to part with the unnecessary, and for the achievement of the yellow culture field changes should be initiated.